Modern Tokyo Times

Bare-handed Kosovo Serbs continue to fight the NATO/KFOR and the EU mission of law and order (EULEX) over their support for the Kosovo Albanian police and customs officers in the takeover of checkpoints in Jarinje and Brnjak on the administrative border between Serbia and Kosovo. The purpose is to forcefully incorporate northern Kosovo into the US/EU created separatist Republic of Kosovo, an amputated cradle of Serbian civilization. Northern Kosovo is the last part of Kosovo that the US/EU is trying to submit to the Kosovo Albanian “thugocracy.” Both KFOR and EULEX, supposedly “status neutral” peacekeepers, have been violating the UNSCR 1244. Former UN official and a retired US diplomat Gerard Galucci has written: “When the international peacekeepers act outside the international law, they become outlaws.”
In addition, the Kosovo Serbs have to fight their own Vichy Government in Belgrade. In my previous articles I have explained the term Vichy Serbia. It stands for the contemporary Serbian Government in Belgrade, which has become vassals or quislings supported by mentors in Washington and Brussels at the expense of Serbian national interests. They desperately want their capital to be Brussels rather than Belgrade. This Vichy government has now prevented 2000 real patriotic Serbs from entering Kosovo in their show of support for their compatriots on the barricades in Northern Kosovo.
KFOR and EULEX have decided not to remove the barricades until the Godfather, Hashim Thaci, top thug masquerading as the Kosovo Prime Minister (PM), returns from New York, where he is lobbying governments of remaining UN members that the US has not arm-twisted thus far to recognize Kosovo. Meanwhile, KFOR and the Kosovo Serbs have been waging the war of leaflets. Popularity of the Russian ambassador Konuzin among the Serbs, living in Serbia or in diaspora, Serbia has risen exponentially as illustrated with his visit to Topola. In order to prevent the bloodshed, the EU is reportedly contemplating to institute a Northern Kosovo protectorate.
Vichy Serbia Betrays Kosovo Serbs
Dr. Marko Jaksic, a Kosovo Serb political leader in former PM Kostunica’s Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS), has revealed a plan negotiated by the Serbian interior minister and the vice VP Ivica Dacic (he calls him Tacic after Thaci) and EULEX. Dacic is the head of Milosevic’s Socialist Party, which is a part of the yellow ruling coalition with President Tadic’s Democratic Party (DS). The Dacic/EULEX plan was already implemented as the Serbian police have prevented some 2000 patriotic Serbs from arriving at the administrative border. In doing so, Dacic has protected the Albanian customs officers and enabled the Albanian flag to fly on the administrative border. Jaksic has also revealed that the Kosovo Serbs are being pressured by Belgrade to “relax” (remove) the barricades and thus expose themselves to a possible slaughter by the Muslim Albanians. He says that Tadic was ordered to do so by Brussels in order for Serbia to become an EU candidate in December.
Titoist Police Revamped, frequently hacked by the Albanians, published a blog written by a distinguished Serbian lady, Kosara Gavrilovic, titled (in translation) “Day when Serbs prevented Serbs from entering Kosovo and Metohija.” Ms. Gavrilovic, in her late eighties, left Baltimore in 2008 to join Bishop Artemije of Raska and Prizren (Kosovo) at the Gracanica monastery to become his interpreter. She is the daughter of Milan Gavrilovic, a Serbian minister, diplomat, writer and journalist in before WWII Yugoslavia. After WWII she lost everything in communist Yugoslavia and ended up in Washington DC where she taught Russian and was a State Department interpreter. The Serbian Orthodox Church yielded to the pressure from the Serbophobic international community and forcibly exiled Bishop Artemije from his eparchy.
On September the 17th, the Serbian police removed forcefully the passengers from five buses in Belgrade destined for Kosovo and even took away some of their cell phones. All public transport leading to Kosovo was suspended. Bishop Artemije’s car initiated his trip from Ljuljake, a village roughly half way between Belgrade and Kraljevo, but he was soon harassed and ordered back to Ljuljake by the Serbian police. Bishop wanted to deliver food to the Kosovo Serbs. Ms. Gavrilovic’s car was stopped once but allowed to continue because she had an American passport. The second time her car was ordered to return too.
Ms. Gavrilovic realized that now the Serbs in Serbia and the Serbs in Kosovo lead essentially the same kind of life. They live both under the NATO occupation. The Kosovo Serbs haven’t had the freedom of movement since 1999, but the Serbs in Serbia are now caught up with them. For this unification of Serbs president Tadic and his Vichy Serbs deserve the credit.
A friend of mine pointed out that there was a precedent when Milosevic in 1995 established a blockade on the Drina River between Serbia and Bosnia at the request of US/NATO. It is true that he did that. However, it was applied to weapons and ammunition, not to the freedom of movement. I can verify that because I crossed the border from Serbia into Bosnia without being harassed. I did have an American passport but my driver did not. Of course, US/NATO “reciprocated” for Milosevic’s services by bombing Serbia in 1999.
Godfather Thaci Indispensable
Nothing happens in Kosovo without Thaci’s approval. That applies to removal of the Serbian barricades as well. Thaci was in New York, together with the Kosovo president Arifete Jahjage to lobby world leaders during the annual UN General Assembly session. Incidentally, it was a smart move for the Kosovo Albanians to elect a woman as the president. Presumably, her hands do not have any blood stains. I have no doubt that the US or the British PR experts had a role in this. According to the Belgrade’s Beta agency she met president Obama, who was smart enough not to meet with the organ and drug-trafficking blood-stained chief. On the other hand his predecessor met with Thaci as well as with three US Secretaries of State: Madeleine Albright, Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton. None of them had problems shaking his blood-stained hand and reportedly were even charmed by him.
Thaci gets even published by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ). Julia Gorin has written a brilliant blog titled Why Does The Wall Street Journal Publish Terrorists? “This year brought the Council of Europe’e report on the murder-for-organs scandal involving top echelons of the Kosovo Liberation Army, now wearing suits as Kosovo “legitimate” rulers. While top Albanian and Kosovo officials are being indicted for corruption, war crimes and deep mob ties, a Brooklyn man from Albania was arraigned last week on charges of providing material support to terrorists and planning to join a radical Islamic group in Pakistan—just months after an Albanian Kosovar shot five American servicemen in Frankfurt, killing two.(Which hearkens back not only to last year’s “North Carolina Eight” that included two Kosovo Albanians who targeted a Marine base, but also to the 2007 Ft.Dix plot in which three Albanian-Americans wanted to “kill as many American soldiers as possible.) She alludes that that WSJ might “finally feel a tinge of reservation if not shame about unequivocally following the Foggy Bottom (State Department) line on the Balkans.” In addition Ms. Gorin has made an effective use of the 2008 Italian documentary Infinite War and the February Foreign Policy article titled Thug Life. The Italian documentary shows a Serbian monk serving liturgy surrounded by NATO tanks and troops. The journalist Riccardo Iacona narrates: “In liberated Kosovo, this is the maximal possible freedom for Christians to profess their faith.”
While KFOR was waiting for Thaci to return they have been dropping leaflets telling the Serbs that barricades are illegal and therefore aren’t a part of peaceful demonstrations. NATO is telling the Serbs what falls into the category of “illegal.” This must be the ultimate in hypocrisy. After braking seven international laws, as discussed in my book Kosovo is Serbia and dropping 23,000 bombs and missiles in 36,000 sorties on Serbia in 1999, NATO is now lecturing the Serbs about what is illegal!! Shame on NATO! The Serbs on the barricades staged a home-made cabbage soup feast and served it to cabbage loving German soldiers. In addition, the Serbs organized a wedding on the barricades with the Serbian band playing folk music and participants dancing. Due to the barricades, KFOR can only use helicopters while the Serbs have to use goat trails to get their supplies from Serbia.
President Tadic was in New York too and met with Secretary Clinton allegedly telling her that Serbia will not recognize Kosovo. A friend in Belgrade interpreted that he actually said Kosovo is yours but do not bother us any longer. While his reading might be correct, I do not believe that amputation of Kosovo from Serbia would be the end game. During his speech he repeated that Serbia has two goals: to find a solution for the Kosovo issue acceptable to all parties involved and to join the EU. He emphasized that both issues are achievable and outlined key elements for protection of Kosovo Serbs.
Ambassador Konuzin Popularity
In my previous article I quoted the Russian ambassador Konuzin: “Are there no Serbs in this room?” As Jim Jatras wrote ( Konuzin attempted to “shame the shameless” as none of them spoke in defense of their own country. The participants in a NGO, funded by the EU/US entities, global security conference were the “European Serbs”. On dozens of occasions I have been told that the Russians can’t be more Serbian than the Serbs when it comes to Kosovo. Well, ambassador Konuzin has demonstrated that he could be. His popularity in Serbia and even more so in the Serbian diaspora rose exponentially.
Ambassador Konuzin delivered a speech at Topola below the statue of Karadjordje, the leader of the first Serbian uprising against the Ottoman Empire. Topola was celebrating the two-hundred year anniversary as well as the Karadjordjevic dynasty family day. The citizens massively approached him and kissed his hand. His speech was interrupted with much applause. The Topola mayor, Dragan Jovanovic, sent the following message to the ambassador: “There are Serbs here, your Excellency. We salute our brothers on the barricades in Kosovo and hope that Serbia will help them.”
EU Ponders Solution
The Pristina paper Zeri reported: “International sources in Pristina said that under current conditions it is nearly impossible to find a quick solution. Therefore, to avoid an escalation of tension and conflict the issue of deploying of temporary international administration in the north is seriously discussed in international circles.” Needless to say, this in all likelihood would be another blow to Serbia’s control of the cradle of its civilization. Tanjug reported that the ongoing Pristina/Belgrade technical negotiations will be concluded by the year-end. Political negotiations would follow the Serbian parliamentary elections in April.
Vojin Joksimovich, Ph.D. is the author of three books and some 100 articles about the Balkans
The Revenge of the Prophet by Dr. Vojin Joksimovich is another classic book which gives great insight and knowledge about the Balkans, radical Islam, US foreign policy and other important areas. If you would like to buy the book then please email and forward your details.

Dr. Vojin Joksimovich wrote an in depth book called Kosovo is Serbia and please check this at – it is a must read if you want deep knowledge about this complex topic.