Today we peacefully protest the illegal and immoral declaration of Kosovo’s independence. This unlawful act will be recorded in the history of humankind as the most vicious and immoral action of one Christian country–shamefully to say, my country - America.
In recognizing the independence of Kosovo, our government is taking Kosovo away from Serbia and handing it over to an illegally created state.
This recognition of Kosovo’s independence is the violation of every international law of the UN resolution 1244 (adopted by the Security Council at its 4011th meeting on June 10, 1999).
The UN resolution 1244 affirms “the safe and free return of all refugees and displaced persons to their homes”. Sad to say, since the deliverance of this resolution the violence against the Serbian population in Kosovo has escalated and reached such a proportion that in the period of nine years more than 200 churches and monasteries have been destroyed; more than 2000 Serbian people have vanished.
It is distressing and alarming to know that this violence against the Serbian population is being done during a supposed time of peace, guaranteed by the international community.
It is also a distressing and alarming fact that our own country is participating in this unlawful eradication of an eleven centuries-old Christian heritage of the Serbian Orthodox people.
Kosovo is the holy Serbian land spreading over some 4200 square miles, covered with Christian shrines dating back to eleventh and twelfth century.
Today in the 21st century, Serbian Orthodox people of Kosovo cannot assemble to pray without fearing for their lives. There is no place for them to gather around their priests and bishops. Why? Because their churches and monasteries have been destroyed, their cemeteries have been desecrated.
How do you define Serbian Kosovo?
Kosovo is the soul, the heart, the very being of the Serbian Orthodox people; it is the
soul and heart of every Orthodox Christian worldwide. Kosovo is every
human being that stands for justice, freedom, peace, and Christian ideals.
These ideals were upheld by our founding fathers that fought for democracy and religious freedom. They did not impose it, rather they defended it.
As we stand before God, we ask you Southern Californians and all others here with us to stand up and do what is right. We ask you to defend the very ideals that our founding fathers fought for.
- We ask you to pray for peace in Kosovo and the surrounding regions.
- We ask you to pray for our country’s leaders who by their decisions are casting shame on all of us, trampling justice and honesty.
- We ask you to pray that God’s justice will ultimately prevail.
- We ask you to pray too for those who are destroying the churches and taking lives, for they primarily need to be enlightened by God and his infinite love.
I conclude by asking you to depart in peace. May you all have peace and may you bring God’s peace to your homes, our country, Kosovo and the world.
May the peace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ descend on Kosovo and all of you!
Amen, God grant it!
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